• TwoTigers24, New York
  • March 14, 2025

China Absolutely Hates Canada

Chinese state media, the Global Times, conducted a poll across 16 cities in China to ask Chinese people what their favorite country was. Canada was the worst. I also discuss where …

China’s population crisis hits the CCP with force

China is a strange country. When couples wanted to have multiple children, the State told them that they couldn’t have more than one. Now, that the State wants couples to reproduce …

China’s Laying the Groundwork to Defeat US Military Around the World

It’s no secret that China is behind large infrastructure projects all over the world, and in fact, that’s exactly what its Belt and Road Initiative is all about. But what is …

Taiwan: What the U.S. Should—And Shouldn’t—Do with the Relationship

The US and Taiwan have a lot in common—both are democracies, both have rule of law, and both share a common enemy: China. Despite their similarities though, the US and Taiwan …

2 reasons why the CCP will dump Xi Jinping this autumn

This year, Xi Jinping’s career is on the line. He wants to be made the Chinese President for an unprecedented third time, and it is yet to be seen whether the …

The real story of China’s growth number is here

The Chinese growth rate is down. China itself says that its Gross Domestic Product slowed to 4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2021. But in a country where Presidents fudge …

China’s Covid Lockdowns Are INSANE

China is facing yet another wave of Covid, and in its infinite wisdom, the Communist Party is trying to fight Covid the same way it struggles against political dissidents: by locking …

In Coronavirus case counts, China beats every country by a milky way

The Chinese regime has likely understated the Covid-19 death rate by as much as 17,000 percent in a systematic data suppression campaign aimed at sustaining its political image across the world.

Hong Kong Lockdowns Show Limits of “Zero Covid”

Like mainland China, Hong Kong is still clinging to the “zero covid” pipe dream. While the lockdowns haven’t squelched the virus, it could do serious damage to Hong Kong’s economy. In …

5 Videos of lockdown horror from China

China is trying to crush the Omicron variant with an iron fist. Its aggressive measures have triggered ‘rare criticism’ on Chinese social Media. Palki Sharma gets you 5 videos of China’s …

China’s Zero Covid Policy Is Falling Apart

China’s zero covid policy has zero chance of succeeding, which is why they’ve changed the definition of zero covid. You know how it is when you stake your reputation on a …

5 Lies China Told the World

Have you heard people say China has lifted millions of people out of poverty? How about that China is a “developing” country? Or that the CCP has never invaded another country? …

China’s Credit Market Confronts Unprecedented Distress in 2022

Distress with properties is mounting when it comes to China’s offshore debt market. Credit stress climbed to its highest level in December, according to Bloomberg’s Credit Tracker. Bloomberg’s Rebecca Choong Wilkins …

China accused of harassing its critics in Canada and abroad

China’s human rights record has come under increased scrutiny ahead of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, but critics of the regime in Canada and elsewhere are accusing China of harassment and …

Examining the human toll of China’s stringent COVID policy

Chinese authorities locked down after discovering two cases of omicron in Anyang, a city of 5.5 million people about 300 miles outside Beijing. It’s the third Chinese city now in lockdown …

China’s Zero Covid Fail

China has been telling the world that its brutal lockdowns in service of reaching zero covid cases have largely been effective. But China is also changing the definition of the “zero” …

China ramps up tougher pandemic control; ‘Avoid Chinese meat’: Germany warns Olympians

The U.S. says it won’t be deterred by China’s latest sanctions. Beijing recently penalized four American officials serving on a religious freedom commission. The move came after the U.S. levied its …

Evergrande’s 39 Buildings Scheduled for Demolition on Ocean Flower Island

Recently, the Evergrande’s construction of the Ocean Flower Island has once again hit another roadblock. On December 30th, the local government cracked down on the company, giving them 10 days to …

China Uses Animal Disease Control Methods on Humans to Maintain Covid-Zero: Dr. Sean Lin

Xi’an is a city of 13 million people located in the west of China. Since December 22, the city has been locked down because of a new round of covid outbreak. …