Why do people lose their sense of morality under communism? North Korean defector and author Yeonmi Park explains how she could watch people being killed and feel nothing, or turn someone … The Chinese government is Terrified of this silent Apathetic Revolution! China’s plans of thriving on India’s misery have backfired completely. The container congestion crisis in China is going to further affect the already ailing Chinese economy. Watch the video to know … In a move, which could signal the coming back of Shinzo Abe and the strengthening of Yoshihide Suga’s position as Prime Minister – Vice Foreign Minister Takeo Akiba is all set … Under Communism, Humans Turn Evil with North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park
Lying flat – China’s Silent Revolution
China’s grand plan of stealing business from India fails as its ports stand clogged
With super aggressive Takeo Akiba as the NSA, Shinzo Abe is showing who the real leader of Japan is