Satellite Images Reveal MASSIVE Crowds Outside China’s Funeral Parlors as Covid Spreads
China has been trying to convince the world that only a few dozen people have died since it ended its zero covid policy on Dec. 7 of last year. But satellite …
China has been trying to convince the world that only a few dozen people have died since it ended its zero covid policy on Dec. 7 of last year. But satellite … China is ramping up its capacity in rural areas to tackle the COVID-19 challenges brought by the upcoming Spring Festival holiday. Many Chinese people will travel to reunite with their families … Some secondary infection cases began to appear after China’s abrupt lifting of the “zero-COVID” restrictions last month. Recently, medical staff suggested that mutant strains may have occurred in China, as reported … #Satellite images are highlighting China’s death surge, showing an uptick in the number of vehicles parked at #funeralhomes. A Pfizer-made COVID-19 #drug is soon to be removed from China’s health insurance … China is running out of clean water, especially fresh (not salty) clean water. There’s no easy solution to this problem, which is why some are predicting China might try to take … To strengthen the management of media and ideology, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently issued a new regulation. From July onwards, it will apply the National Uniform Professional Qualification Examination for … China is running out of water fast, and that has knock-on effects for a whole host of things, including China’s economy. Thanks to zero covid, China’s economy is already doing poorly, … Swedish state-owned mining firm LKAB claimed to have found over 1 million tonnes of rare earth oxides. The rare earths were found in the Kiruna area in the far north of … China’s manufacturing uses a lot of water, and China is running out of usable water at a very fast pace. In this episode of China Unscripted, we discuss whether China could … The continuous stringent “zero-COVID” policy and a brutal crackdown have worsened the economic downturn and prompted the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to step in to save its economy. ——————- #SpotlightOnChina #China … China’s elderly are paying the price of Xi Jinping’s disastrous Wuhan virus policies. As China runs out of medicines, oxygen, China’s helpless senior citizens are committing suicide to escape the Wuhan … In simulated wargames between Taiwan and China, there is a chance that Taiwan could triumph—but at a high cost. China may be the one thing uniting U.S. Democrats and Republicans as … #chinainsights#Chinacovid#Shanghaicovid This is Shanghai on Jan. 6, 2023, where funeral operations were over capacity, and simple cremators were manufactured on the fly. This doctor, a member of the Shanghai New Coronavirus … The “White Paper Revolution” at the end of last year in China sparked calls like “Communist Party, step down” and “Down with the Communist Party” inside and outside China, making the … The USA just ran some war game scenarios, and it looks really bad for China, but the Chinese government has plans of its own. Online cursing against the government is so common in the majority of countries. However, it’s not a simple task on China’s heavily censored internet. ——————- #SpotlightOnChina #China #ChinaInsights The Chinese government tries to ban fireworks and the Chinese people aren’t too happy! A health department in a Chinese province admitting to large-scale infection for the first time. The death of a Chinese official—casting a spotlight on Beijing’s darkest secret. We hear from three … The Philippines elected Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in the spring of 2022, and some hoped this would usher in a new era of the Filipino-China relations, specifically the Philippines sticking up for … Satellite images have captured the chaos in China as the country tries to hide rising Wuhan virus deaths. Images show long queues outside funeral homes. Molly Gambhir brings you the details. … Thousands of #protesters are clashing with #police in a COVID-19 test kit plant in China—with boxes and stools flying. But what are they fighting for? China is reopening its #borders, allowing … China’s swift reversal of its draconian COVID eradication policy following unprecedented protests in major Chinese cities last November appeared to be the first instance of public dissent that authorities acknowledged. The … Thailand has succumbed to Beijing’s bullying and opened up its border to unvaccinated Chinese tourists. What does this mean for you? Is Thailand no longer a safe destination for you? Will … #SpotlightOnChina #China #ChinaInsights A man surnamed Liu was arrested in Beijing for carrying over 280 pounds of fireworks in his car trunk. According to Chinese mainland media, Beijing police found the … #Chinainsights#Chinayouth Comments under the footage are rather interesting. One Chinese wrote: “Xuchang fired the first shot against the ban on fireworks”, another wrote: “The experts were disappointed to see it! Some … China likes to blame other countries for the global spread of Covid-19. While we may never know exactly how Covid started, what we do know is that China discovered it, covered … This comes at a time when China has eased travel restrictions, encouraging people from Henan and elsewhere to travel abroad. Priyanka Sharma tells you what the situation in China means for … On January 4, Miles Yu, director of the China Center at Hudson Institute, in a commentary in the New York Post, writes that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) not only kills … There are many people who would like to help China and see the Chinese people thrive and prosper. But to some, that means helping the Chinese Communist Party, which is the … China are buddying up with another equally oppressive regime. The Taliban! A match made in heaven! Last year, under the pressure of the CCP’s brutal tech crackdown and ailing economy, big industry firms had no other choice but to cut the workforce and reduce operating costs. According … China’s PLAN deployed beyond the 1st island chain for two weeks in December 2022. In this video, I go over the number of sorties, ship and sensor performance employed during the … China Update is about China economic and political news and analysis, today we discuss the Chinese economy, reopening and other China developments #chinaupdate 00:00 Introduction 00:11 World Restricts Chinese Travellers | …
Satellite Images Reveal MASSIVE Crowds Outside China’s Funeral Parlors as Covid Spreads
GLOBALink | China’s rural areas strengthen COVID response, health service as Spring Festival nears
Medical staff hints the mutant strains spread various secondary infections after people recover
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Chinese man with over 280 pounds of fireworks arrested; Beijing maintains fireworks ban
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