US to Expand Training of Taiwanese Forces | China In Focus
More U.S. #troops in #Taiwan. That’s as the island continues to face an ever more aggressive communist neighbor. The U.S. planning on increasing the number of troops from the current 30 …
More U.S. #troops in #Taiwan. That’s as the island continues to face an ever more aggressive communist neighbor. The U.S. planning on increasing the number of troops from the current 30 … The Chinese Communist Party has committed a number of genocides since it came to power in 1949. Killing people or threatening to kill people is how the CCP has always maintained … 🔴 THE FINAL WAR is a documentary that uncovers the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year plot to defeat America.👉👉 #China is the biggest #threat, not just on land but in space, according to U.S. Space Chief General Saltzman. And trailing not far behind is Russia. As for where America is …
US to Expand Training of Taiwanese Forces | China In Focus
China is Hiding A Secret From the World
EXCLUSIVE: Is a Hot War With China Inevitable?
US General: China Is Biggest Space Threat | China In Focus