Many have predicted that China will surpass the United States as the world’s dominant power. There have been different timelines thrown around for when that might happen, but so far it … China has been trying to convince the world that only a few dozen people have died since it ended its zero covid policy on Dec. 7 of last year. But satellite … China is ramping up its capacity in rural areas to tackle the COVID-19 challenges brought by the upcoming Spring Festival holiday. Many Chinese people will travel to reunite with their families … Some secondary infection cases began to appear after China’s abrupt lifting of the “zero-COVID” restrictions last month. Recently, medical staff suggested that mutant strains may have occurred in China, as reported … #Satellite images are highlighting China’s death surge, showing an uptick in the number of vehicles parked at #funeralhomes. A Pfizer-made COVID-19 #drug is soon to be removed from China’s health insurance … China is running out of clean water, especially fresh (not salty) clean water. There’s no easy solution to this problem, which is why some are predicting China might try to take … To strengthen the management of media and ideology, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently issued a new regulation. From July onwards, it will apply the National Uniform Professional Qualification Examination for … China is running out of water fast, and that has knock-on effects for a whole host of things, including China’s economy. Thanks to zero covid, China’s economy is already doing poorly, …
Will China Surpass the US?
Satellite Images Reveal MASSIVE Crowds Outside China’s Funeral Parlors as Covid Spreads
GLOBALink | China’s rural areas strengthen COVID response, health service as Spring Festival nears
Medical staff hints the mutant strains spread various secondary infections after people recover
Satellite Images Show Busy Chinese Funeral Homes; China to Remove Paxlovid from Insurance Drug List
Why China Might Invade Russia
Beijing implements new rule to further control the thoughts of journalists and actors
Investing in China Is a Bad Idea